About Me

My Experiences


I grew up with a love of books that goes back as far as I can remember.  I can remember setting an alarm for 11p to wake me up AFTER my parents had gone to sleep.. just so I could read a few more chapters.  All my life I've been enamored with the written word.  My father is a  writer of non-fiction as well as an editor and some of my earliest  memories involve the library in our basement that he used as an office.   I was always hungry for a new book and, based on what I liked or didn't  like about the last one I had read, my father would go to the wall and  select 2 or 3 more for me to dig into.  Sci Fi, Westerns, Fantasy,  Mysteries, these were the influences that colored my imagination as a  child.   

My Writing


I have active projects in 3 different genres but am currently focusing my energy almost exclusively on my Children's books.  My stories tend to be written in rhyme and often manifest from my experiences with the expansive minds of toddlers.

Join My Journey


If you would like to work with me, or simply stay up to date on what I'm working on, please follow me on Twitter or contact me at the links on this page!

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